Sunday, March 15, 2009

Debt-Proof Living

I first heard about Mary Hunt from one of my friends who has similar obsessions. Mary has a daily e-newsletter called Everyday Cheapskate that I've been addicted to for many years now. I love reading her daily tips on everyday things (from household fixes to ways to save money), her financial advice, and her all-around good sense.

I've also read her Debt-Proof Living books and they are a great resource. Once I got married, I read Debt-Proof Your Marriage and I love her way of thinking. It really is just good common sense when it's boiled down, but she has a wonderful no-nonsense outlook on savings and spending. I love finding new tips to recycle objects and new ways to cut corners and save money (since I love to do that, and love to bargain shop!). I find these tips especially helpful right now as our economy continues to downturn. I read her column every morning, and save the ones I want to refer back to in a folder in my e-mail account. Perfect for future reference (and if you have a gmail account, easy to search for later!).

Check out her site and sign up for her daily e-mail! You won't be sorry!

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