Sunday, March 8, 2009

Confessions of a Listaholic

I love to make lists. I have a list for everything in my life and it gives me great satisfaction to be able to cross something off a list. Sometimes I will have one item on multiple lists, which means I get to check it off in several places; oh, the joy!

In 2008, while I was planning my wedding, I began a list called Post-Wedding To-Dos. These were things I really wanted to accomplish but knew I wouldn't have time to do until wedding craziness was over (rest assured, I'm sure you'll get to read more about my wedding obsessions's right up there with listing). At the top --- or, rather, close enough the top, falling behind "find sanity," "write thank-you notes," and "spend time with new husband" --- of that list was "Start your blog." I've long wanted to get back to blogging. I started my first when I was in college back in 2002 (that seems like a lonnnnng time ago...getting old) but lost the login/password somewhere along the way. I'm sure it still exists somewhere in the vastness of cyberspace but I certainly can't find it.

So it's time to start anew! I also listed "Start your blog" on my 2009 New Years' Resolutions list, among other items like "Get back to your wedding weight, "Spend more time with all those friends you didn't have time for while planning your wedding," and "Paint your bedroom." Now that those are all checked off, it's time to blog!

Now I don't have much to say that would interest anyone. At all. But I love to write and I love to share (Show and Tell was my second-favorite subject in kindergarten, just behind Reading). I also love to read other blogs and share the fun ones that I find. I hope to use this blog outlet of mine to share some cool stuff and some random stuff and definitely some stuff no one will care about but me!

As for my blog's name...well, I must admit that I'm a word nerd. A big one. And "spontaneous" is one of my favorite words, has been since I discovered it and, shortly thereafter, its' meaning when I was in the third grade. Spontaneous. It just sounds cool! In college, some friends and I created what we liked to call Moments of Random Spontaneity (which, oddly, really just involved ripping loose reflectors off the blacktop of lone Kansas roads, autographing them for each other, and saving them as treasured keepsakes...which is probably illegal). One of my favorite phrases is "spontaneous combustion," but that blog name was already taken by this dude...I think I REALLY deserve it more than him, don't you? Instead, I settled on Spontaneous Truth. I like it. Maybe I will tell some random and truthful things here after all.

Oh, yeah, and I'm also long-winded. Could you tell?


  1. I still have my reflector! I have it in a fire-safe! :) Too fun!

  2. I love the blog! Now I get to blog stock you! :)

  3. i love everything about you. this blog makes me love you MORE. which i didn't think was possible. its kind of blowing my mind...
